Drivers trapped for hours in Edinburgh flooding

Edinburgh city bypass was closed in both directions after more than a month's worth of rain fell in 36 hours.
2024-05-24 01:07:33

Still trapped on Baltimore ship, months after bridge collapse

Morale is low for the Dali's crew members, stranded on board by ongoing investigation into tragedy.
2024-05-15 12:08:49

Trapped in hell under collapsed building but pulled out alive

Post Content
2024-05-14 06:08:03

Russia blames Ukraine after blast flattens 10-storey apartment block

At least 17 people have been hurt in Belgorod and there are reports of people trapped in the rubble.
2024-05-12 16:07:36

Dad trapped in South Africa building collapse rescued

Post Content
2024-05-08 16:08:59

South Africa: Deadly building collapse leaves scores trapped

Post Content
2024-05-07 08:08:49

An Orca Calf Trapped in British Columbia Lagoon Has Found Her Way to Freedom

Post Content
2024-04-27 03:06:34

Ancient Tapeworm Trapped in Resin Could Trigger Jurassic Park Scenario

Post Content
2024-04-10 02:07:06

Taiwan wakes up to aftermath of worst quake in 25 years

More than 100 people are still understood to be trapped in collapsed tunnels and on roads.
2024-04-04 03:06:45

Humpback Whale Trapped in Fishing Rope Freed in Dangerous Rescue Operation

Post Content
2024-04-02 04:07:05

Health workers in Gaza are 'scared' they'll be trapped in Israel's path

Post Content
2024-03-26 23:06:56

South Gaza hospital forcibly evacuated - paramedics

The Palestinian Red Crescent says people were trapped in ambulances after leaving al-Amal hospital.
2024-03-25 19:09:02

Rescuers race to find trapped people as Brazil storms kill at least 20

Post Content
2024-03-24 14:08:31

Hundreds rescued from Philippines love scam centre

Young and tech-savvy victims are trapped and then forced into running illegal operations online.
2024-03-14 12:08:58

Uttarakhand tunnel collapse: Rescued India workers tell of yoga and phone games

The 41 men are recuperating in hospital after being trapped in a tunnel in Uttarakhand state for 17 days.
2023-11-29 08:08:40

How 17-day Indian tunnel rescue unfolded

Forty-one construction workers were freed after over two weeks trapped in a tunnel.
2023-11-28 21:07:52

Uttarakhand tunnel collapse: Rescuers free 41 trapped workers

The workers were stuck for two weeks after a part of a tunnel they were working in collapsed.
2023-11-28 20:07:26

China mine rescue: First survivor brought to surface, say state media

A miner trapped in the collapsed Hushan mine was brought to the surface on Sunday, state media say.
2021-01-24 07:05:58

Elkezdték kimenteni az aranybányában rekedt 22 kínai munkást

Elkezdték kimenteni egy robbanás miatt durván 600 méter mélyben rekedt kínai bányászokat. Két hete történt robbanás a Shandong tartományban található aranybányában, és 22 bányász maradt a mélyben. A BBC cikkéből kiderül, hogy ? magyar idő szerint ? vasárnap kora délelőttig összesen 9 bányászt mentettek ki. Először akit felhoztak, nagyon gyenge volt és el kellett takarni a szemét. Miracle of life: A Chinese miner has been rescued two weeks after being trapped hundreds of meters underground in Shandong Province. #GLOBALink ? China Xinhua News (@XHNews) January 24, 20...
2021-01-24 10:05:40

China mine rescue: Nine found dead during rescue in Shandong province

The discovery comes a day after 11 miners were rescued after two weeks trapped under ground.
2021-01-25 11:05:50

Rescued Chinese miners 'feel reborn' after harrowing ordeal

Two Chinese miners have described how they survived while trapped underground for two weeks.
2021-01-27 07:06:00

Japan whale hunting: 'By-catch' rule highlighted after minke death

The death of a whale which got trapped in a net off Japan has once again exposed the hunting divide.
2021-01-31 02:05:58

Trapped man pulled from tunnel after dam collapse

A glacier crashed into a dam, prompting a deluge of water to pour through a valley in Uttarakhand.
2021-02-07 17:05:59

Uttarakhand dam disaster: Race to save people trapped inside India tunnel

The tunnel was blocked after a huge flood in Uttarakhand state in which 28 people have been killed.
2021-02-09 09:05:51

Uttarakhand dam disaster: 'The most difficult seven hours of my life'

Three survivors recount their ordeal trapped in a tunnel by debris and icy water in north India.
2021-02-09 15:06:06

Driver captures footage of deadly mass pile-up on a Texas highway

The early morning pile-up killed at least five people and left others trapped in their vehicles.
2021-02-12 00:05:50

The 'saviour' loan apps that trapped pandemic-struck Indians

Hundreds of apps offering "instant" loans drew people who were out of work and desperate for cash.
2021-02-13 03:05:58

'The Father' showcases Anthony Hopkins as a man in the throes of dementia

"The Father" will affect people in different ways, and the movie remains a somewhat claustrophobic adaptation of the stage play. Yet there have been few better attempts on screen to capture dementia -- both for those trapped within it, and those grappling with how to handle them -- punctuated by a staggering performance from Anthony Hopkins, a brilliant cherry on top of the 83-year-old actor's extraordinary career.
2021-02-27 00:06:51

Myanmar coup: UN calls for release of 'trapped' protesters

About 200 people are thought to have been trapped by security forces in a district of Yangon since Monday.
2021-03-09 01:06:16

Myanmar protesters trapped in late-night standoff as military tries to silence independent media

A post-coup crackdown by Myanmar's military appeared to intensify Monday as security forces revoked the licenses of five independent media companies before a late-night standoff that saw hundreds of young protesters trapped in Yangon.
2021-03-09 09:07:42

Myanmar protesters trapped in late-night standoff as military tries to silence media

A post-coup crackdown by Myanmar's military appeared to intensify Monday as security forces revoked the licenses of five independent media companies before a late-night standoff that saw hundreds of young protesters trapped in Yangon.
2021-03-09 11:05:40

Nem jutott ki a saját ajtaján a brit nő ? meglepődött, amikor meglátta az okát

Egy brit nő rettentesen megijedt, amikor a napokban megpróbált kimenni az utcára, de valamiért nem nyílt ki a bejárati ajtó. Rachael Sanders a Sunnak elmesélte: akárhogy próbálkozott, a kilincs nem mozdult el. A 35 éves northamptoni nő egy idő után pánikba esett, mert attól tartott, valaki áll a túlsó oldalon, és ellentart. Minden erejével próbálkozott, de nem sikerült kijutnia, végül közel negyedórás erőlködés után feladta, és kimászott az ablakon. Akkor látta meg, hogy mi volt, ami bezárta őt: Az Amazontól rendelt csomagot a futár olyan ügyesen helyezte el, hogy sikerült bezárnia vele Sand...
2021-03-24 09:06:38

Mozambique insurgency: Islamist militants 'ambush workers fleeing hotel'

Workers were trapped in a hotel when Islamist militants stormed the town of Palma, reports say.
2021-03-27 21:06:13

Evacuation of people trapped by militant attack in Mozambique runs into ambush

The attempted evacuation of people trapped during an attack in northern Mozambique by Islamist militants has led to multiple casualties, with dozens of people still unaccounted for, according to reports, in what the US embassy in Maputo is calling a "horrific situation."
2021-03-28 18:06:02

Evacuation of people trapped by militant attack in Mozambique runs into ambush, reports say

The attempted evacuation of people trapped during an attack in northern Mozambique by Islamist militants has led to multiple casualties, with dozens of people still unaccounted for, according to reports, in what the US embassy in Maputo is calling a "horrific situation."
2021-03-28 19:06:09

Evacuation of people trapped by militant attack in Mozambique runs into ambush, reports say

The attempted evacuation of people trapped during an attack in northern Mozambique by Islamist militants has led to multiple casualties, with dozens of people still unaccounted for, according to reports, in what the US embassy in Maputo is calling a "horrific situation."
2021-03-29 13:07:48

Buddhist monk freed from flooded cave in Thailand after four days

Monk who entered cave "to sit in contemplation" is rescued by divers after four days trapped inside.
2021-04-07 14:06:42

Buddhist monk rescued from flooded cave after being trapped for days

Thai rescue workers said on Wednesday they had freed a Buddhist monk trapped inside a flooded cave in Thailand's Phitsanulok province, after he went inside days ago to meditate.
2021-04-08 05:05:40

China mine rescue: Crews race to free trapped workers in Xinjiang

Twenty-one people are trapped underground after a coal mine flooded in the Xinjiang region.
2021-04-11 08:06:26

21 Chinese miners trapped by underground flood in Xinjiang coal mine

Eight miners have been rescued and 21 remain trapped in a coal mine that flooded in northwest China's Xinjiang region, Chinese state news agency Xinhua reported on Sunday, citing a local emergency department.
2021-04-11 10:05:48

21 miners trapped by underground flood

Eight miners have been rescued and 21 remain trapped in a coal mine that flooded in northwest China's Xinjiang region, Chinese state news agency Xinhua reported on Sunday, citing a local emergency department.
2021-04-11 14:05:53

Crystal meth and Covid-19: Iraq battles two killer epidemics at once

"The situation in the country was rough. You go and try to find work, but there was no work," Khaled says. "Once, twice and I was hooked. I was trapped. I couldn't get out."
2021-04-14 11:05:44

Niger school blaze: Trapped children die in Niamey

2021-04-14 12:06:18

Niger school blaze: Trapped children die in Niamey

The fire in Niamey engulfed straw classrooms and those in the nursery could not escape.
2021-04-14 13:06:51

He spent time in a wheelchair as a child; now he's Messi's wingman

It's a memory that Martin Braithwaite has pushed to the back of his mind -- watching his friends having fun while he was temporarily trapped in a wheelchair.
2021-04-16 11:06:45

Japan has one of the most sophisticated and active networks of conspiracy theorists outside of the US

Hiromi spent most of her life feeling trapped.
2021-04-24 03:05:40

Japan's QAnon disciples aren't letting Trump's loss quash their mission

Hiromi spent most of her life feeling trapped.
2021-04-24 07:05:42

Japan's QAnon disciples aren't letting Trump's loss quash their mission

Hiromi spent most of her life feeling trapped.
2021-04-24 17:05:41

Ablakot akart pucolni, tűzoltók hozták le a párkányról a brit komikust

A népszerű brit sorozatokból ismert komikus, Adrian Edmondson vasárnap fogta magát és belevágott a veszedelmes küldetésbe: az ablakpucolásba. Ez eddig nem tűnik hírértékűnek, de az események hamarosan olyan burleszkszerű fordulatot vettek, amit még talán Chaplin is megirigyelt volna a 64 éves színésztől. Edmondson ugyanis annyira belemelegedett a pucolásba, hogy sikeresen kint rekedt, csapdába ejtve magát az emeleti ablakpárkányon. A bénázást nem a jó szimatú bulvárlapok nyomozták ki, a színész maga osztotta meg az esetet rajongói okulására a Twitteren, ahol azt is elmesélte, hogy a párkányon...
2021-05-03 10:06:03

DOJ preps plea deals for Capitol rioters from viral video of cops trapped in tunnel

The Justice Department is preparing to offer guilty plea deals to four Capitol rioters who are accused of trapping police in a tunnel and attacking them with chemical sprays and firecrackers.
2021-05-04 19:05:40

Lelush: How a sulky Russian model became China's slacker icon

Getting trapped in a boy band reality TV contest was just the start of Lelush's unlikely journey.
2021-05-06 03:06:15

Lángoló teherautóból mentett ki egy embert a korábbi NFL-játékos

Egy korábbi amerikaifutball-játékos, Brandon Bair megmentette egy ember életét, akit egy vonat által elütött, lángoló teherautóból húzott ki, írta az East Idaho News. Bair elmondta, hogy csütörtökön az idahói St. Anthonyban a 20-as számú autópályán haladt, amikor meglátta, hogy egy vonat elcsapott egy teherautót, ami azonnal lángolni kezdett. Hívta a 911-et, majd akcióba lépett, miután hangot hallotta a járműből. Tudatos döntés volt, hogy bemegyek, mert valakinek segítségre volt szüksége. Láttam egy srácot, elértem, kiszedtem a biztonsági övből. Magánál volt és beszélt, mondtam neki, azonnal ...
2021-05-09 15:06:02

Young whale trapped in London's River Thames euthanized

Rescue operations are underway to free a whale stranded in the River Thames in London, the Port of London Authority said.
2021-05-11 01:05:43

Égő házból mentett ki egy 79 éves nőt egy arra járó brit tinédzser

Hősként ünnepelnek egy walesi kistelepülésen egy 19 éves férfit, aki egy égő házból menekített ki egy eszméletlen idős nőt, írta meg a Metro. a 19 éves Marcus Evans múlt csütörtökön épp hazafelé sétált a walesi Baglanban, amikor észrevette, hogy füst száll fel az egyik házból. A tűzoltók értesítése után az égő házhoz ment, berúgta az egyik ajtót, de a sűrű füst megállásra késztette. Aztán amikor köhögést hallott a lángok közül, elhatározta, hogy mégis bemegy, mert a segítség nem érkezik meg perceken belül, ez pedig akár a bent rekedt személy életébe is kerülhet. Bement, de pár lépés után kény...
2021-05-11 09:06:01

Mexico quake survivor: Floors came down like dominoes

Martin Mendez spent 17 hours trapped beneath the ruins of a six-story building in Mexico City before rescuers pulled him and three others out of the wreckage.
2021-05-18 14:05:43

Police save woman trapped in house fire

2021-05-20 20:05:43

Firefighters rescue man inside burning home

2021-05-26 18:05:45

The Rohingya refugees trapped on a remote island miles from land

Rohingya refugees taken to a remote island off Bangladesh tell the BBC they are desperate to leave.
2021-05-29 02:06:10

20 people rescued from stranded roller coaster

2021-05-31 19:05:43

'Jessica, we are live': Excruciating on-air gaffe goes viral

We've all faced disagreements at work, or been trapped in an uncomfortable stand-off after getting in someone's bad books.
2021-06-11 14:05:40

Rescues underway after huge gas explosion in central Chinese city

A huge gas explosion in a residential community in central China has left "many" people trapped and injured, according to local authorities and state media.
2021-06-13 14:05:44

What you need to know about Israel's new Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett

After four elections in two years, and with the country trapped in an agonizing parliamentary stalemate, Naftali Bennett appeared to be on the outside looking in, unable to reach the levers of power in Israeli politics.
2021-06-14 19:05:47

The amount of heat the Earth traps has doubled in just 15 years, study shows

The planet is trapping roughly double the amount of heat in the atmosphere than it did nearly 15 years ago, according to an alarming new analysis from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
2021-06-18 03:05:44

A tiny dinosaur trapped in amber turned out to be a 'really weird animal' instead

Scientists are explorers of the unknown, seeking to understand the world as it exists now and millions of years ago.
2021-06-19 17:05:39


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